Dried Figs Digestion What is Hidden by Little Seed

Dried Figs Digestion What is Hidden by Little Seed

Figs are a fruit native to the Mediterranean basin, although they are now cultivated in warm regions around the world. There are various types of figs, with approximately 700 different varieties. The most common types can be classified into two main families: white figs, which have light green skin and bright red pulp, and black figs, which have purple skin and dark pinkish-red flesh. In Quebec, fresh figs are primarily available during the fall season, while dried or canned figs can be found throughout the year.

When it comes to purchasing figs, fresh ones are delicate and not easily transported, so most figs found in markets are dried or canned. However, there are seasonal fresh figs that are highly appreciated by enthusiasts. Fresh figs can be enjoyed as a table fruit or incorporated into various sweet and savory recipes.

How to Buy Dried Figs + Price

When selecting fresh figs, look for ones that are plump, with slightly wrinkled skin and small cracks. It’s important that they are soft, as figs do not ripen further after harvest. A good indication of ripeness is the presence of a drop of sugar (white liquid) at the bottom of the fruit.

Due to their fragility, figs should not be stored for more than a day or two after purchase to maintain their quality and freshness. For optimal flavor, it is recommended to store figs at room temperature rather than in the refrigerator, as refrigeration can diminish their taste.

However, if the weather is extremely hot, you can wrap them in aluminum foil and store them in the vegetable drawer for a short period to help preserve their freshness. Dried figs can be stored in a sealed container for several months, making them a convenient and long-lasting option.

How to Buy Dried Figs + Price

Health Benefits of Dried Figs

In terms of health benefits, contrary to common belief, figs are low in calories, with approximately 25 calories per fruit or 60 calories per 100-gram serving, similar to apples.

When it comes to enjoying figs, it is not necessary to peel them before consumption, as the peel contains many of their beneficial properties. Figs are highly versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways:

– As a fresh table fruit at room temperature, simply mashed with a fork and spread on fresh bread.
– In pies, crumbles, clafoutis, and fruit papillote recipes, where they pair well with apples and pears.
– In a chocolate fondue.
– Stuffed with a soft ganache filling and topped with chopped walnuts or almonds for added texture.
– Pan-fried in butter with a spoonful of honey and spices like cinnamon or star anise.
– Cooked in wine or fruit juice to serve as a topping for ice cream or accompany a white cake.

Health Benefits of Dried Figs

Buy Dried Figs + Order

Fresh figs offer a delightful and delicate sweet flavor that can be enjoyed in various ways. Here are some tips on how to make the most of these summer fruits:

1. Eat them fresh: One of the simplest ways to enjoy figs is to eat them as they are. You can consume the whole fruit by chewing it directly.

2. Homemade smoothies and juices: Add fresh figs to your favorite smoothie or juice recipes for a burst of flavor and natural sweetness.

3. Preserve and use in recipes: Figs can be preserved and used in a variety of culinary creations. They can be used in making jams, compotes, and fruit preserves. In dried form, they can be incorporated into biscuits, cakes, homemade bread, energy bars, and mixed nuts and dried fruit mixes.

Buy Dried Figs + Order

Enjoy the tender, gourmet, and sun-drenched figs that grace our tables from July to the end of September. Whether you choose to savor them fresh or incorporate them into your culinary creations, figs offer a delightful experience for your taste buds.

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