Dried Fig in India; Fiber Potassium Phosphorus Magnesium

Dried Fig in India; Fiber Potassium Phosphorus Magnesium

In India, dried figs are recognized as an exceptionally nutrient-rich source of vitamins and minerals, making them valuable ingredients in both the food and medicine industries. Dried figs hold a prominent status among the most renowned and nourishing varieties of dried fruits available.

Both fresh and dried figs boast abundant nutrient content, offering a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals. Turkey and Iran stand out as major exporters of dried figs, contributing significantly to the global market.

The fig tree showcases impressive productivity, even in challenging environmental conditions. Fresh figs have a limited shelf life, leading to their widespread drying to ensure year-round availability and extended usability.

Dried Fig Features in India

Dried figs are a delightful fruit packed with an array of beneficial nutrients. They are notably rich in fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin K.

Moreover, dried figs contain powerful antioxidants such as quercetin and kaempferol, which contribute to their health-promoting properties. Despite their natural sugar content, figs are an excellent addition to a healthy diet and can even support weight loss efforts.

When figs are dried, their water content reduces, resulting in a higher concentration of calories, sugar, and nutrients. This dried fruit is a veritable treasure trove of vitamins and minerals, supporting bone strength and preventing nutrient deficiencies.

The antioxidants present in dried figs exhibit potent properties, assisting in slowing down the aging process and promoting overall well-being. Furthermore, dried figs contribute to a strengthened immune system, adding to their impressive array of health benefits.

Dried Fig Features in India

Buy Dried Fig in India

When purchasing dried figs in India, it is important to consider the following tips to ensure quality:

1. Check for sour odor: If dried figs emit a sour smell, it indicates fermentation of the sugar content and spoilage of the fruit. Avoid such figs as they may not be suitable for consumption.

2. Examine the appearance: Look for dried figs with an elongated and veined tail, as well as a partially drained interior. These signs indicate that the fruit is infected or of lower quality.

3. Assess the skin condition: Stale or aged dried figs may have a stale texture or discolored skin. This could be a result of improper storage or prolonged storage duration. Opt for figs with fresher, less blemished skin for better quality.

4. Prioritize quality: The whiter and less blemished the dried figs are, the better their quality is likely to be. Choose figs that appear visually appealing and have fewer imperfections.

5. Purchase from reliable suppliers and trusted stores: To ensure the best quality and freshness, buy dried figs in India from reputable suppliers and trusted stores. This can help guarantee that you are getting genuine and well-preserved products.

By following these tips, you can make informed choices when buying dried figs in India, ensuring you select high-quality products for your enjoyment.

Buy Dried Fig in India

Dried Fig Price in India + Buy and Sell

The price and variety of dried figs can vary depending on the country of production, as each country may have different types of figs. The cost of dried figs is determined by factors such as their grade, openness, and size.

When dried figs are open, they are referred to as smiling or blooming figs. Dried figs are graded on a scale ranging from 3A to 1A and B. It is evident that dried figs of 3A quality tend to be more expensive.

Dried Fig Price in India + Buy and Sell

In India, the price of dried figs typically ranges from 4 dollars to 6 dollars. We offer a wide selection of dried figs to cater to your specific requirements. To learn more about the available fig varieties and make a purchase, simply reach out to our sales team who will be delighted to provide you with further information.

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